Montréal Ülfet Sevdi

numbers increase as we count…

Ulfet Sevdi © Cedric Laurenty view gallery
Ulfet Sevdi © Cedric Laurenty

Weaving actual testimonies with documentation of the creation process, Ülfet Sevdi’s performance Numbers Increase As We Count… deals with the fate of women suffering the consequences of war in post-American occupied Iraq: displacement and forced sex-work. This counting refers to the number of victims: an endless performance if we were to continue the counting in an attempt to reach the actual numbers.

Originally from Turkey, Sevdi is a writer, theatre director, dramaturge, teacher and Theatre of the Oppressed practitioner now based in Montreal. In 2016, with Nicolas Royer-Artuso, she co-founded Thought Experiment Productions, to produce works with political content that integrate extensive research from the social sciences.

Co-developed with Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal